• Egyptian - Age 4 All

    BackThe ypertrischilietis history of ancient Egypt is divided into eight or nine years, which is sometimes called Kingdoms and briefly discussed in the following timeline. This taxonomy is arbitrary and based on social criteria, prosperity, unity and governance by a central authority.

    A division of the thirty dynasties, like we use today, we need to Manethona, the Egyptian priest who lived in the early Ptolemaic period. In many cases, however, is not fully understood why some Manethon grouped into a dynasty of kings and others in another. For example, the 18th Dynasty starts with Achmosi, brother of the last king of 17th dynasty Manethona. Theoretically, Achmosis and Mario, they should be classified in the same dynasty.

    The Archaic period of ancient Egypt is the period immediately following the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt. It includes the first and second dynasty, lasting from the pre-dynastic period (2686 BC) until the beginning of the Old Kingdom. During the first Dynasty moved the capital from Abydos to Memphis, in a kingdom that extended from the Nile Delta, to the first waterfall at Aswan and the Sinai Peninsula. The Abydos remained the center of religious worship. The distinguishing features of ancient Egyptian culture, like art, architecture and many aspects of religion, took shape during the Archaic period.

    In ancient times in Egypt created registers and irrigation projects, construction of canals for agricultural land. Governors and appointed royal governors. The buildings of the central government was usually outdoor shrines made of wood or sandstone. The unification facilitated similar dialects spoken in Upper and Lower Egypt. At the same time began the first use of hieroglyphics, in structures and signs, not yet verified when created. At the same time began building mounds - Mastaba tombs for the kings who were the forerunners of the pyramids that have appeared in the old kingdom.

    Great climaxed trade with the region of Nubia and Palestine through the Mediterranean with many states. There were imports of wood, copper and various goods. By joining the two kingdoms, the local gods gradually getting national attention and worshiped throughout Egypt.



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