According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus, twin brothers, descendants of the Trojan prince Aeneas, [2], which were raised by a wolf. The tradition of the founding of Rome to take place on 21 April 753 BC
The Romulus and Remus were grandsons of King Lazio, who is known as Noumitor. The monarch was deposed by the evil brother Amoulios, killing of male offspring. And the daughter, Rhea Sylvia, forcing her to become one of the Vestal Virgins, which swear chastity for thirty years. As a result, the line would not gain Noumitoros other descendants.
The city of Rome grew around a fortress on the Tiber River, making the crossroads of travelers and traders. [6] According to archaeological surveys in the village of Rome was probably sometime in the 8th century BC, although it could have existed since the 10th century, Latin hosting races at the top of Palatine Hill.
The Etruscans, who had previously settled in the north in Etruria, in what seems exerted political influence in the region during the late 7th century BC, forming the aristocratic class. By the end of the century, the Etruscans had lost power, and it was then that Latins and Sabines changed their form of government by adopting a democratic constitution, which limited the power of government. "
The early Roman army (ca. 500 BC) was not affected, like those of other city-states of the era, the Greek practice. It was a kind of militia charged the regular soldiers. Roman legionaries, a modern representation of the military forces of the 1st century AD
He was small in size (the population of free men of military age was then around 9,000) and divided into five classes (in parallel with the Lochitida Church, the political organization of society). Three of them gave the Gunners and two light infantry. Originally the Roman army did not engage in regular and complex operated primarily defensively. [75] By the 3rd century BC the Romans had left the organization turning to a more flexible system which included smaller bodies of 120 men (or sometimes of 60), which called «maniples» and could move more easily on the battlefield. Thirty maniples aligned in three rows, along with auxiliary, made up a "legion» (legio), which total sygkrotoutan from 4000 to 5000 men. In the first democratic period legion was divided into five groups, each of which has specific location and other equipment: three lines of heavily armed infantry (hastati, principes and triarii), a force of light infantry (velites) and cavalry (equites). The new organization brought and orientation to the attack, but a more aggressive stance toward the neighboring city-states.
The full potential of the Legion during the democratic period from 3600 to 4800 included foot soldiers with heavy weapons, hundreds of minor soldiers and several hundred riders, all from 4000 to 5000 men. The legions often suffered from a lack of men due to system failures or recruitment after periods of active service due to accidents, deaths in battle, disease and desertion. During the civil war, Pompey's legions in the east were full because they had recently recruited, while Caesar were experiencing serious shortages and had just returned from the war in Gaul. More or less the same effect as the auxiliary troops.